About Me

Joonas Uotila

Hey there! My name is Joonas Uotila, and I am the author of The Mystic Leader. The idea for this blog came about at the end of 2022 when I realised the connection between mythological wisdom and the latest developments in leadership practices. Many leadership books I read pointed out a more subtle quality in leaders needed for the future – primarily the need for emphatic leaders. Also, many stories from top leaders pointed to a simple truth: that these leaders were very aligned with themselves and didn't take credit for their success – and this is something that mythology is trying to teach us.

The last ten years have marked my professional career as an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur is a tough job. The emotional baggage is a lot to handle – and at the end of 2021, I was burnout. A definite sign that something had to change.

Burnout is a delicate moment to experience, and if given the proper attunement, something good can come out of it. I became interested again in mythology and dreams. I started to understand the importance of the symbolism and the wisdom mythology holds and how that can be used when dealing with one’s psyche. Mythology helped me to understand the experiences I had gone through, and it gave me a perspective on how to live my life. My life was becoming a myth of its own, where things started to have a deeper meaning.

I also discovered many beautiful insights from art and literature that, for me, are part of the mythological ethos (mysticism). The underlying themes travel throughout history in different forms and are presented in a more digestible way than hard-core facts presented in non-fiction books.

I hope that the knowledge found in these articles can have some of the same effect on you as these stories from mythology have taught me.
